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NYSCAA Executive Officer Duties


The executive power of this Association is held in five elected officers to be known as the Executive Officers (EO). The EO consist of a National President, a President-Elect, A Past-President, a National Secretary, and a National Treasurer. Executive Officers must have been delegates to the National Youth Science Camp and must be dues-paying members of the Association. The NYSCAA Constitution defines the following general powers and responsibilities for the Executive Officers:

  • Coordinating the members of the NYSCAA towards attaining the goals established in the Constitution and the policies defined by the Board of Advisors;
  • Executing the programs, policies, and duties as outlined in the NYSCAA By-laws;
  • Coordinating all national reunions of the National Youth Science Camp Alumni Association;
  • Maintaining an accurate record of the current addresses, occupations, and experiences of the members of the NYSCAA;
  • Establishing any and all additional committees to carry out these responsibilities and to dissolve such committees when they are no longer needed;
  • Providing support, to the extent possible, for regional and delegate year subsudiary groups; and
  • Safeguarding the property, assets, records, and historical artifacts of the NYSCAA.

The NYSCAA Constitution also lists specific duties for each of the officers, summarized in the individual job descriptions below. In addition, these individual job descriptions include supplemental duties developed over the past two years of the NYSCAA's existence. These supplemental duties are likely to change over time, and as such be maintained in this guidance document and revised as needed.

Duties of the Executive Officers


Constitutional Duties:

  • Coordinate the activities of the membership of the NYSCAA and ensure that the annual activities of the Association reflect the Constitution, the By-laws, and the mission of the NYSCAA.
  • Represent the NYSCAA in any contacts with the National Youth Science Foundation, the State of West Virginia, or any other organization, corporation, or government body.
  • Execute and enforce contracts on behalf of the NYSCAA.
  • In cooperation with the Chair of the Board of Advisors, establish the agenda for meetings of the Board of Advisors.

Supplemental Duties (the president may delegate these duties to other EO):

  • Prepare the agenda for and preside over annual meetings.
  • Approve reimbursements.
  • Keep a written correspondence/e-mail file.
  • Attend the NYSF Board of Directors meetings and communicate with the NYSF President as needed.
  • Provide a summary of the annual meeting activities to the NYSF.
  • Assist the treasurer in the preparation of the budget.
  • Prepare a written summary report of his/her own activities, accomplishments, and money spent at the end of the fiscal year, as guidance to the next president.


Constitutional Duties:

  • Represent and assist the National President in such matters as s/he shall delegate and direct.
  • Serve as liaison to the members of the NYSCAA.

Supplemental Duties:

  • Approve reimbursements.
  • Keep a written correspondence/e-mail file.
  • Keep the Alumni Association calendar and remind officers, committees, and BOA members of deadlines.
  • Work with the annual meeting coordinators to plan the event.
  • Supervise elections.
  • Prepare a written summary report of his/her own activities, accomplishments, and money spent at the end of the fiscal year, as guidance to the next president-elect.

Past President

Constitutional Duties:

  • Represent and assist the National President in such matters as s/he shall delegate and direct.
  • Serve as liaison to the director and staff of the National Youth Science Camp.

Supplemental Duties:

  • Approve reimbursements.
  • Keep a written correspondence/e-mail file.
  • Contact the NYSC Director in late spring to offer the Alumni Association's assistance with camp.
  • Represent the NYSCAA at NYSC Senate Luncheon, Farewell Banquet, or other activity, if invited, or designate an NYSCAA representative to do so.
  • Serve on the Archives Committee.
  • Prepare a written summary report of his/her own activities, accomplishments, and money spent at the end of the fiscal year, as guidance to the next past-president.


Constitutional Duties:

  • Maintain all records of the NYSCAA other than those of a financial nature.
  • Keep the minutes of meetings with the Board of Advisors.
  • Supervise all communications of the NYSCAA and provide for a regular means of communication to all members.
  • Maintain an accurate record of the names, addresses, and other information, deemed pertinent by the members.

Supplemental Duties:

  • Be the "gatekeeper" for all official NYSCAA communications to alumni and outside parties.
  • Facilitate the production of at least two newsletters (fall and spring).
  • Serve on the Electronic Communication and Database Committee.
  • Publish or approve for publication all official NYSCAA notices to the NYSCAA bulletin boards.
  • Keep minutes at the annual meeting.
  • Prepare a written summary report of his/her own activities, acccomplishments, and money spent at the end of the fiscal year, as guidance to the next secretary.


Constitutional Duties:

  • Maintain and have an accurate record of the money collected and held by the NYSCAA.
  • Deposit all money collected by the NYSCAA into appropriate accounts, and make payment therefrom in accordance with the budget established by the Board of Advisors and with the approval of any other Executive Officer.
  • Make regular financial reports, on at least an annual basis, to the Board of Advisors.
  • Prepare a proposed budget to the Board of Advisors for their review and consideration.

Supplemental Duties:

  • Serve on the Finance Committee.
  • Prepare a monthly report of funds received and disbursed for the President, copied to the other EO.
  • Deposit checks within 10 days of receipt by the treasurer and file a photocopy of each check.
  • Disburse funds as needed for bills, invoices, or reimbursements, with the approval of another EO. Maintain a file containing a copy of each payment check, attached to the appropriate bill, invoice, or reimbursement request.
  • Acknowledge dues and donations received from members within a month of treasurer's receipt of dues.
  • Prepare a written summary report of his/her own activities, accomplishments, and money spent at the end of the fiscal year, as guidance to the next treasurer.

Board of Advisors (BOA)

The Board of Advisors (BOA) is composed of seven members elected by the members of the National Youth Science Camp Alumni Association and must be dues-paying members. BOA reps shall serve for a period of three years and may serve more than one term, provided that the terms are non-consecutive terms with three years between terms. The terms of the members shall be staggered so that one-third of the members shall be elected per year.

The Board of Advisors shall have the following powers and responsibilities:

  • The power to establish policies for the NYSCAA;
  • The duty to advise the Executive Officers of the Association and the administrative committees they may establish;
  • The power and the duty to establish a budget and, under said budget, allocate money collected from any and all sources for the Association; and
  • The power to amend this Constitution as necessary and enact By-laws in the implementation and interpretation of this Constitution.