NYSF UpdatesThe National Youth Science Foundation (NYSF), along with its fundamental mission to ensure that the Nationa Youth Science Camp (NYSC) program continues to be the most outstanding summer (and dare I say lifetime) inspiration experience for each year’s group of delegates, has devoted considerable time and effort to NYSC sustainability. Toward that end, a permanent facility site has (as most know) been acquired and now the actions are in developing a master plan on paper of the vision we all hold within our hearts and minds as essential for the programs for the future. An architectural group, Perfido Weiskopf Wagstaff + Goettel (PWWG), was selected in 2009 to accomplish this task. The new site which NYSF has purchased is bounded on all sides by natural reserve owned by the Canaan Valley Institute. A bit north of NYSC's current rented camp site in Pocahontas County, the Davis region of West Virginia is much closer to the Cranberry Bogs region and includes Blackwater river frontage, enabling those that enjoy the chilly waters of the rhododendron state the opportunity to practice Eskimo rolls not so far from their hot shower! Starting from scratch on generating a facility gives us the opportunity to integrate in all those items that will make the programming areas more functional, and at the same time retain the primitive elements to encourage minds to think rather than be distracted by everyday irradiative processes. This means, we'll have bathrooms with running water in the pipes, not in through the front door, yet we may still have bats in some of the lecture areas.... Learn more of the actions by visiting the NYSF newsletter and don't forget to vote with your pocketbook by helping to support the Adler Endowment Fund for camp operations as well as look for opportunities to contribute talents and funds to the development of the new site. As a member of the Board of Trustees, it has been a pleasure to see just how many of the NYSC alumni remain involved, be it by visiting camp, e-interactions, contributions, and all of the times you mention the NYSC (and/or Youth Science Leadership Institute) experience to others you meet. David Hackleman (OR 1969) |