NYSCAA Home February 2012 Newsletter

2011 Officer Elections

After a compelling season of the 2011 NYSCAA election the results are in. Please welcome our new officers as you bid a fond farewell to outgoing individuals.

President-Elect: Josh Peters (LA 1999; Staph 2000-2005, 2009)
Secretary: Alex McPherson (WV 2007; Staph 2010)
Treasurer: Klee Simmons (VA 2007)
Board of Advisors: John Davis (SC 1974; Staph 1977-1982), Stanley Thompson (CA 1991), Kevin Willey (IA 1979)

Thank you to Kirby Lee (IN 1993), Emily Holmes (IN 1993, Staph 1995-96), Pam Dekle Twigg (AL 1978), Joel Brown (WV 1989), and Ray Rappold (Staph 1975+) for your past year(s) of service. Alex McPherson (WV 2007, Staph 2010) moves from the Board of Advisors to officer on the NYSCAA.