As of June 17, 2003, here is an updated schedule of events.
At Snowshoe, one of the rooms at Mountain Lodge near the lodge common area will be designated our
Hospitality Suite where you can come by for snack food, sandwiches, questions, etc.
Here are the phone numbers to call during the reunion:
Hospitality Suite: |
(304) 572-0146 |
Cell Phone: |
(304) 546-7222 ... thanks to Ray Rappold! |
David Hackleman's Room: |
(304) 572-0144 |
Remember to bring your musical instruments!
Note: Unless otherwise stated, all food events are covered by the registration fee. The cost of
things like mountain bike rentals, and any other recreational equipment rentals for that matter, are
generally not covered.
NYSCAA Reunion 2003 Detailed Schedule
(PDF: 114 KB / 10 pages)
Pre-Arrivals: David & Deb Hackleman and others will arrive.
All Day: Arrivals, Day Trips, Snack food, info available at
NYSCAA hospitality suite in Mountain Lodge.
12:45pm: National
Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) Trip leaves from Snowshoe
4pm-7pm: Wine and Cheese Reception (Conference Center)
Dinner: Optional Coupons for Dinner at "The Station"
8:30pm: Official Opening of Reunion (Conference Center)
7:30am-8:30am: Breakfast Buffet (Conference Center)
8:30am: Day Trip coordination (Conference Center: Black Bear Room)
9am: Pick up Box Lunches (Conference Center)
9:15am: Reunion PHOTO and Depart for
Camp Allegheny
2pm: Last Alumni Depart from Camp Allegheny
Afternoon: Day Trips, Outdoor Activities, Plan NYSC Visit
8pm: Outdoor Barbeque AND music, etc. (Conference Center)
8am-9am: Breakfast Buffet (Conference Center)
Morning Trips, BOA Meeting (Conference Center)
11am: Bus trip to NYSC (Parking lot of Mountain Lodge)
Noon-Evening: Lunch, Seminars,
and Free Time at NYSC 2003 (NYSC Camp Pocahontas)
Evening (7pm): Light dinner with lots of desserts! Semi-Formal
Meeting of the Whole (Conference Center)
9am-11am: Brunch Buffet: "The Snowshoe" (BIG MEAL)
All day: Special Trips (Cass, NRAO, Greenbrier),
CD's of Photo sets of Camp years, Reunion, Departures (Food available in hospitality suite as needed.)
Recommendations for schedule? Email David Hackleman at or call him at
(541) 745-7121 in Oregon.