We need individuals willing to volunteer to help run some of the events, as together we
can make the event even more memorable! We could use additional help on the following:
- Frisbee® Games
- Outdoor Activities Coordinators -- We have a few; need more. Things like Climbing,
Spelunking (Caving), Kayaking, Naturalist Tours, Biking, Golf, Canoeing
- Awards Committee -- We plan on having awards for those 3-sigma events that often
pervade NYSCAA events
- Musicians -- Woody (VA 1969) has volunteered to be Music Coordinator
- Archivists for each year -- Ray Rappold (Staph-lots of years) has volunteered to be the
grand poo-bah archivist, but he'll need folks from each camp year as there is a large
amount of material! We want to assemble thoughts from us all into a document that we
all will receive.
- Drivers -- How many passenger seats do you have open?
If you are willing to volunteer, email David Hackleman at hacklem_no_spam_please_@i_mean_it.no_spam_whatsoever.attglobal.net or call him at
(541) 745-7121 in Oregon. Let him know which activity you are willing to volunteer
for, or include the statement "anything."
- Reunion Chair: David Hackleman (hacklem_no_spam_please_@i_mean_it.no_spam_whatsoever.attglobal.net)
- CFO: Deb Hackleman (hacklem_no_spam_please_@i_mean_it.no_spam_whatsoever.attglobal.net)
- Web Person: Karen Sabog (kalena_no_spam_please_@i_mean_it.no_spam_whatsoever.kalena.com)
- Archivist and Historian: Ray Rappold (RappoldR_no_spam_please_@i_mean_it.no_spam_whatsoever.aol.com)
- Roommate Coordinator: Rita Foley (Ritarnjd_no_spam_please_@i_mean_it.no_spam_whatsoever.aol.com)
- Seminar Coordinator: Steve Blasberg (steve_blasberg_no_spam_please_@i_mean_it.no_spam_whatsoever.westvalley.edu)
- Mentorship Program Coordinator: Steve Blasberg (steve_blasberg_no_spam_please_@i_mean_it.no_spam_whatsoever.westvalley.edu))
- Music Coordinator: Woody McCallum (Woodmac52_no_spam_please_@i_mean_it.no_spam_whatsoever.aol.com)
- Outdoor Activities Coordinator: TBD
- Photographer: Jason Means (most probably)