NYSCAA Home NYSCAA 40th Reunion
July 3-6, 2003
Snowshoe, West Virginia


We need individuals willing to volunteer to help run some of the events, as together we can make the event even more memorable! We could use additional help on the following:

  • Frisbee® Games

  • Outdoor Activities Coordinators -- We have a few; need more. Things like Climbing, Spelunking (Caving), Kayaking, Naturalist Tours, Biking, Golf, Canoeing

  • Awards Committee -- We plan on having awards for those 3-sigma events that often pervade NYSCAA events

  • Musicians -- Woody (VA 1969) has volunteered to be Music Coordinator

  • Archivists for each year -- Ray Rappold (Staph-lots of years) has volunteered to be the grand poo-bah archivist, but he'll need folks from each camp year as there is a large amount of material! We want to assemble thoughts from us all into a document that we all will receive.

  • Drivers -- How many passenger seats do you have open?

If you are willing to volunteer, email David Hackleman at or call him at (541) 745-7121 in Oregon. Let him know which activity you are willing to volunteer for, or include the statement "anything."

Volunteers to date

  • Reunion Chair: David Hackleman ()

  • CFO: Deb Hackleman ()

  • Web Person: Karen Sabog ()

  • Archivist and Historian: Ray Rappold ()

  • Roommate Coordinator: Rita Foley ()

  • Seminar Coordinator: Steve Blasberg ()

  • Mentorship Program Coordinator: Steve Blasberg ())

  • Music Coordinator: Woody McCallum ()

  • Outdoor Activities Coordinator: TBD

  • Photographer: Jason Means (most probably)