Candidate Bios
President-Elect [ duties ]
Secretary [ duties ]
Treasurer [ duties ]
Board of Advisors (two positions open) [ duties ]
Candidate for President-Elect
John Giroir (LA 1989; Staph 1990-1995, 2015-2016)
John “Johnny G” Giroir has a tremendous passion for the National Youth Science Camp and his fellow NYSC Alumni. He has shown his commitment time and time again, by actually moving to West Virginia in 1993 and now serving as the Director of the NYSC (2015, 2016, …) It is the most exciting time to be involved with the NYSCAA, NYSC and NYSF and John wants the opportunity to continue to work with everyone to help ensure the future of the National Youth Science Camp for future generations. Please vote for John.
Shiva Rajagopal (NV 2011; Staph 2012, 2014)
NYSC has been near and dear to my heart since my delegate year in 2011, and I have been extremely close to camp since. I returned as a staph during the 2012 and 2014 summers, and have remained close to many of the staph. I have remained very active in keeping in touch with my delegate class, and encouraging them to meet up with other campers who they might be near. Although I have now entered the world of professional engineering, I would still like to keep my ties to camp strong, and can think of no better way to do so than serving as President of the NYSCAA. It would be my pleasure to serve.
Candidate for Secretary
Emily Holmes (IN 1993; Staph 1995, 1996)
Like many of us, my heart has a special place Science for Science Camp. I was a delegate from Indiana in 1993 and on staph for 2 years, and for the last several summers I have returned to camp to present. Seeing the new campers reminds me that I’m getting old… but it also reminds me the amazing people at camp - and the connections that are formed there - are like no other. It’s important for us to maintain those connections through the alumni association. I would welcome the opportunity to serve my fellow alumni in this role. Thank you for your consideration!
Candidate for Treasurer
Candidates for Board of Advisors (BOA)
Halimah Al-Qadi (GA 1984)
I would like to play a more active role in supporting the goals of NYSF/NYSC through NYSCAA.
Amit Garg (NE 1994)
Hello fellow NYSC alumni! I am currently a director in the Technology Advisory Practice focusing on cybersecurity consulting at the Berkeley Research Group, a global strategic advisory and litigation consulting firm, and based in the Washington DC area. I am running to be on the Board of Advisors for the NYSAA. Last year, when I learned about NYSF's goals to raise funds for the Canaan Valley Institute/STEM center, I was inspired to help. Through a challenge match, the class of 94 was able to exceed the goals within a short period of time! By reconnecting with fellow alumni, both through fundraising efforts and attending the reunion in Baltimore last year, I realized that I would like to continue my involvement in a leadership role and give back to our community. I firmly believe that being selected as a delegate to NYSC in 1994 (Nebraska) was one of the best experiences I have had in my life/career. I plan to help increase participation and continue to foster an environment for networking opportunities for alumni. I will leverage my vast experience, knowledge, and skills to continue to build a strong alumni group for all alumni. Thank you.
Diane Saunders (NC 2007)
This past year I stepped in to fill a vacant position in the BOA, and I'd love to continue serving the NYSCAA in this capacity. I have a passion for fostering alumni connections and advocating for NYSC during the exciting changes that are taking place right now!
Paul Tufis (AR 2012)
I would like to be candidate for this position because I enjoy helping out others and planning events. I have been involved on my university campus as Student Activities Leader, Relay for Life fundraising chair, and Student Government Senator. I constantly show enthusiasm and help people grow.
Vote now! All votes must be received by 11:59 PM EDT on Monday, October 10, 2016.