Candidate Bios
President-Elect [ duties ]
Secretary [ duties ]
Treasurer [ duties ]
Board of Advisors (two positions open) [ duties ]
Candidates for President-Elect
John Giroir (LA 1989; Staph 1990-1995, 2015-2018)
My National Youth Science Camp experience has redirected my life in many positive ways I cannot describe and has formed friendships that are still strong almost 30 years later, as I hope it has been for you. Having the great honor of serving as the Director of the National Youth Science Camp, I have knowledge and understanding of our program, our alumni and and the needs of the National Youth Science Camp Alumni Association to make it stronger and more greatly benefit our fellow NYSC Alumni. Attending many reunions over the years, I have had the opportunity to get a real sense of NYSC from its very beginning and throughout it's 55 year history. My past experience leading a YMCA and working with a variety of non-profits provided me the practical experience and knowledge to help the NYSCAA with clear direction forward. A vote for me as President-Elect is a vote for making our NYSCAA stronger and focusing on achieving our goals. Thank you in advance for your vote and support!
Soham Roy (PA 2011)
I believe we live in a world where the ubiquitous presence of technology and its ease of access, while making life better in many ways, also dulls us to the search of knowledge and pursuing worthwhile goals. This ignorance is ever present in the US today, especially amongst some of our top leaders and elected officials, and sets a poor example for youth and the generation of tomorrow. The National Youth Science Foundation and Camp have always been a bastion against this — a place that encourages curious, talented youth from around the world to pursue the truth through exploring their passions in science. It is imperative that this mission is upheld by all those alumni, staph, and delegates who give their time every year. As one of those alumni, I feel it is my place to give back in the best way I can, which is to help coordinate, plan, and direct Foundation operations and events on the Board of Advisors. This past year, I had the honor of serving as Secretary, which allowed me to learn more about the goals and operations of the Board. I would like to step up my role this year as President Elect, and continue working with the other members on driving and executing these goals as smoothly as possible over the next two years. I believe I am suited for this position as I am resourceful, familiar with the Board, and have experience in other successful executive roles both in and outside of my professional career. My responsibilities are of paramount importance to me, and I look forward to helping the organization continue thriving.
Candidate for Secretary
Silvia Milkovits Harper (NH 1982; Staph 1984)
Camp was a unique and unforgettable experience for me. Much has changed at camp in the 36 years since I was a delegate, but even more has remained the same. We all share special memories of the friendships, the amazing lecturers, the outdoor experiences, the love for WV, the dinner bell and, of course, the Rhododendron song.
I would love to see the Alumni Association reach out more to increase alumni involvement, recognition for the camp outside of the alumni and within the current high school community. My stories about camp (and maybe a reunion or two) encouraged my daughters to apply and they were 2016 delegates and staph this past summer. I look forward to an opportunity to hear from many young alumni regarding their expectations of the alumni association and ways in which they would like to be involved and to share their stories with a new generation of delegates, the high school students of today.
As Secretary, I will work to keep alumni informed and hope to create more opportunities for involvement with the alumni association and increased attendance at reunions.
Candidate for Treasurer
Candidates for Board of Advisors (BOA)
Quinn Del Val (ND 2014; Staph 2017)
I believe that NYSC had an incredible impact on me at a very important and pivotal time in my life. The opportunity to give of my time and experience as a member of the board of the NYSCAA is a great way I see to give back to an organization I took so much from. I think that my experience and background would be a unique perspective for the association, and I believe this position would give me more great problem solving experience and help me connect on a deeper level with other alumni. It would be an honor to assist future generations of delegates and staph from around the world in experiencing the joys of West Virginia and NYSC.
Thank you for considering my application, and I wish you all the best of luck in choosing future officers and board members!
Laura J. Fitton (CT 1990, Staph 1991, 1992)
Having returned to NYSC to lecture twice in the last three years, I am excited to come up with better ways to reconnect Alumni with what's going on in camp these days, and work together to bolster up the joint futures of both NYSCAA and NYSC itself.
James “Ray” Rappold (Staph 1975-1977, 1979-1986, 1992-1993)
I have decided to run for the Board again because I am willing to invest the time to help this organization reach its full potential. I think the NYSCAA can do a much better job at facilitating communication and restoring interest and participation among our many alumni. Our strength is in building relationships across the many years of NYSC alumni. I want to see the NYSCAA actually achieve goals: Re-establishing regular Newsletter communications with alumni, re-establishing our 501(c)(3) status, having on-time elections, promoting NYSC to potential delegates, more advance planning and notice of reunions, and support of local/regional meetups.
I am one of the two Incorporators and an Original Board Member of the NYSF as well as an Original Board Member of the NYSCAA
Vote now! All votes must be received by 11:59 PM EDT on Monday, October 29, 2018.