Candidate Bios
President-Elect [ duties ]
Secretary [ duties ]
Treasurer [ duties ]
Board of Advisors (two positions open) [ duties ]
Candidates for President-Elect
Emily Holmes (IN 1993; Staph 1995-1996)
Like all of us, I remember my time at camp fondly. Just those first few notes of the Rhododendron song bring memories rushing back… memories of a time when we were surrounded by the most amazing people, in a magical setting, full of excitement and hope.
While we may all have scattered around the globe since our times at camp, I love knowing that there are so many incredible science campers out in the world doing amazing things. I believe our alumni association has the power to tap into our shared experiences and (re)connect us in powerful ways. As President-Elect, I would love to find opportunities to make the NYSCAA stronger and more valuable to all of us alumni, as well as those to come.
Since my last time on Staph, I have returned to lecture and to lead directed studies at camp several times, and have also served as the NYSCAA secretary for 3 years. Additionally, I organized the 2017 reunion on the Outer Banks. I look forward to continued involvement with this incredible organization, and I thank you for your consideration!
Candidate for Secretary
Silvia Milkovits Harper (NH 1982; Staph 1984)
I have very much enjoyed being Secretary for the Alumni Association this past year and would like to continue and expand the work we have begun. I look forward to an opportunity to hear from many young alumni regarding their expectations of the alumni association and ways in which they would like to be involved and to share their stories with a new generation of delegates, the high school students of today.
As Secretary, I will work to keep all alumni informed through a planned upcoming newsletter and social media and hope to create more opportunities for involvement and recognition for the camp outside of the alumni and within the current high school community.
Candidate for Treasurer
Amit Garg (NE 1994)
I am running for Treasurer because I'd like to continue my involvement with the NYSC Alumni Association, as I step down from my 3 year term on the Board of Advisors. If elected, I will continue to build upon some of the progress that we have made in facilitating communication and connections with Alumni, and keep organization's finances on track. One of my goals is to increase alumni engagement by launching a speaker series that will allow alumni to speak on topics of interest and share their knowledge with the broader NYSC alumni community. Thank you in advance for your consideration and vote!
Candidates for Board of Advisors (BOA)
Jasmine Edison (Staph 2016-2017)
Serving as the Performing Arts Coordinator for two years has afforded me a unique view of science camp and the people who make it special: Staph who can dance like Beyoncé, delegates who need a little encouragement before showcasing a special talent, or polyglot jam sessions on overnighters. Seeing these different facets of delegates, staph, and guests has been an honor, and I'd like to create more opportunities for moments like these among the alumni both in person and online: webinars for students interested in attending science camp, Skype sessions, and Facebook groups for each region come to mind. Because NYSC is made up of people from across the globe, it's important to take advantage of every tool at our disposal to forge new connections, rekindle old ones, and keep the magic of science camp alive.
Amelia Franklin (ME 2016; Staph 2017-2019)
Over the past four years the National Youth Science Camp has played a pivotal role in my perspective of the world around me. I have learned both as a delegate and as a staph member about the common values each delegation gains from their unique science camp experience. I have a strong understanding of the value of the camp traditions that connect each of us as a multi-generational community, as well as the importance of new ideas and innovations to the camp experience. Throughout my time at camp I have been able to experience new groups of staph and delegates building upon the framework presented by previous years to create yet another year of camp magic. As a board member I hope to be able to provide guidance to create and provide the best and most genuine experience for the next three years of science camp delegations. If elected I will be honored to have the opportunity to give back to a community that has given me so much over the past four years.
Chalice Keith (MO 2014; Staph 2016-2017
Attending camp from a rural area that people struggle to leave was eye opening for me. I learned how to face my fears, embrace the unknown, and was able to see what else the world had to offer me beyond my hometown. Camp truly changed my life path and I’m forever grateful. I would be honored to serve on the NYSCAA Board of Advisors to ensure potential delegates and alumni continue to experience the magic of camp in the same way I did. I would like to make this life changing experience better known to potential delegates (especially in states that have been underrepresented in past years), increase communications with all alumni, and help support reunion planning whether it is our yearly reunion or a local one. Thank you for your consideration!
Frederick “Rick” Walker (OH 1964; Staph 1965-1969)
I have experience as a delegate (OH64), staph (NYSC outdoor activities director), lecturer, directed studies presenter, seminar leader, founder of the Isidore Adler Endowment Fund, past member of the Board of Directors of the NYSF, and past Treasurer of the NYSCAA. The current leadership of the NYSCAA is making great strides in organizational development. I have played a small part in initiating this, and would like to help these leaders bring some of these goals into fruition. I will commit the necessary time to be an active Board participant.
Vote now! All votes must be received by 11:59 PM EDT on Sunday, September 8, 2019.