Candidate Bios
President-Elect [ duties ]
Secretary [ duties ]
Treasurer [ duties ]
Board of Advisors (two positions open) [ duties ]
Candidates for President-Elect
Chalice Keith (MO 2014; Staph 2016-2017)
I am running for President-Elect to help continue to strengthen alumni engagement through the execution of the programs and mission of the NYSC Alumni Association. Like many others, attending camp changed the trajectory of my life and I want to continue to be an advocate for NYSC so future generations can have the same experience I had. I strongly believe in the impact NYSC makes on delegates and staph and know that it is not possible without alumni involvement. Serving as an Executive Officer would allow me the opportunity to become a better advocate and help reconnect people to their camp experience through direct communication, networking, and coordination/support of alumni reunions. Thank you for your consideration.
Candidate for Secretary
Candidate for Treasurer
Saurabh Sharma (LA 1994)
National Youth Science Camp has the potential to make an impact on people's lives. In my youth, a place of learning and friendship that exposed me to disciplines and people I would not have otherwise met. I think it is crucial to continue to foster that engagement among the NYSC alumni community. As such, I want to serve as Treasurer so that we can move the organization forward so that through its active programing and enhanced membership ecosystem it can continue to play an impactful role among the Alumni community and keep an intangible bond that translates into tangible outcomes for its members. Thank you for your consideration.
Candidates for Board of Advisors (BOA)
Magali Lucana Mamani (Bolivia 2022)
I would like to remain a part of NYSC, now in the role of NYSCAA, collaborating with this organization and its committees. As NYSC was a scholarship, I feel a commitment to contribute to its organization. I am also grateful for the activities NYSCAA organizes, like the annual meetings. I will show commitment and make an effort to ensure a helpful and coordinated experience for all of us. Any help I can be, I am willing and eager to participate, to keep the NYSC spirit in each activity. I will help with whatever is needed for the NYSCAA.
William “Lee” Gardner (KY 1986)
Wow! It has been thirty-six years since I first heard “I wanna wake up in the morning…” and it still crosses my mind when I see a rhododendron while out on a trail. I’ve never made it back to Camp Pocahontas since 1986, but my NYSC experience, my Kentucky Governor’s Scholars experiences (85 and staff 89-91,93) and brief teaching experience all gave me that extra push to keep charging forward, keeping an open mind, the importance of inspiring others in whatever way we can. Now that my days of being a scout leader are behind me, I am up for that new challenge to occupy some of my time and energies to continue giving back. Becoming an active part of the NYSCAA will no doubt provide just that. How may I help?
Vote now! All votes must be received by 11:59 PM EDT on Tuesday, August 30, 2022.